Posted Fri, Jun 18, 2021 at 9:49 pm ET|
The Millburn-Short Hills Democratic County Committee held their Reorganization meeting this past week.
Annette Romano was unanimously re-elected as Chairwoman. Michael Boldt will continue to serve as Vice-Chairman. Michael Cohen and Jennifer Baer were re-elected Co-Treasurers and Trina Frankel will assume the role as Secretary. The following is a list of Democratic County Committee members that were elected to a 3-year term as a result of the recent Primary election.
District 1, Albert DiPasqua and Christina DiCosmo. District 2, Michael Boldt and Lisa Chenofsky-Singer.
District 3, Michael Cohen and Stephanie Nesser. District 4, Kelli Davis and Leslie Caulfield.
District 5, David and JoAnn Boyko. District 6, Nicholas and Annette Romano.
District 7, Daniel and Jennifer Baer. District 8, Richard and Eve Wasserman.
District 9, Thomas Barrett and Tara Halpern. District 10, Tara Prupis and Fayona Prupis.
District 11, Michelle Retik and Jane Greenwald, District 12, Michael Parlavecchio and Jackie Benjamin.
District 13, Michael and Maggee Miggins. District 14, Jon Gordon and Jordana Horn.
District 15, Cheryl Desmarais District 16, Sanjeev Vinayak and Trina Frankel.